Now, we are giving you an opportunity to earn 500 euro or 50,000 taka per week without any kind of investment. This is 100% true. You start with 00 and get a pocket full of MONEY.
So what are you thinking? Don’t you want to be a Billionaire?
Think about FACEBOOK. Do you pay money for using Facebook?
But Facebook earns (a lot) when you use it. Our Money income policy is just like that.
Income Policy:
Income policy is same as binary system. In this system you will invite more users to join under your network. They will invite more and more. For each new active member you will get 10 taka. Thus by this Binary Tree incoming system you will earn in an automated way.
Now let’s see, how it works?
·                     1st day you registered as a new member.
·                     2nd day you invite 1 friend… 10 friends in 10 days
·                     11th day your 10 friends each will invite 10 friends in next 10 days. (Total=100 users under you)
·                     21st day your 100 friends each will invite 10 friends in next 10 days. (Total=1000 users under you)
·                     31st day your 1000 friends each will invite 10 friends in next 10 days. (Total=10000 users under you)
Thus within 40 days you will have approximately 11,110 members under your network.
Now, if you get 0.1 euro or 10 taka per active user, you will earn 1,11,100 taka within 40 days !!!
Now question is that- “HOW WILL YOU GET THE MONEY IN HAND?”
You can withdraw your money every 7 days. You will get a MasterCard free from the company after claiming. You can use this MasterCard to withdraw money from any ATM booth. The company will send your money to your MasterCard every 7 days.
Terms and conditions:
·                     You must and must be active. See your activity level on my star level after sign in to your sitetalk account.
·                     You must be under a network. No income will pay if you are not under a network.
·                     No fake profile or Fake email id. This will ban you from getting the money in time.
·                     You will need voter ID card or Passport ID exact details for the master card. The details in ID card must match with your account profile.
·                     You must login once every day and update your status. This will take only 1 minute.
·                     Sign Up now.
Our suggestion:
·                     Pick 10 close friends as leaders. They will help you building up your Network.
·                     Do not try to make fake ID or inactive ID. Everything will be verified time to time.
·                     Sign Up now.
Let’s Start.
·                     First Sign Up
·                     Use your real name and real Email Address and real date of Birth.
·                     Complete the Form according to passport ID or Voter ID details.
·                     After completing all the field click Register
·                     Sign Up now.

·                     Then log in to by entering your email id
·                     After entering your site click to settings. You will find settings icon at the upper left corner to the site (Beside the sitetalk logo).
·                     Click edit settings
·                     Unmark the private profile. (Uncheck it by clicking on the Tick mark).
·                     click Update Data
·                     then fill up all profile and skill information and update all data
·                     click Logout
·                     Then go to the link
·                     Click login
·                     Use your username and password to login
·                     Drag your mouse to Genealogy and click your network tree
·                     find your id
·                     then click log out
·                     just now you have successfully completed the registration process. Now you are a Sitetalk member.
·                     Update your sitetalk status at least once a day and start earning by inviting more and more member.
·                     Sign Up now.
YOU have become a member, now what?
Try to create your own team. For that start communicating with your friends, tell them about the opportunity to become a billionaire.
When a friend is ready to register then follow the process given below:
1.            Go to the link
2.            Click login
3.            Use your username and password to login
4.            Drag your mouse to Genealogy and click your network tree
5.            check out your empty hand
6.            find out the user id under which this empty hand placed
7.            this will be the position of your new friend
8.            memorize the id
9.            then Drag your mouse to Genealogy and click network placement sponsorship
10.          type your memorized id and click Locate
11.          Select the empty hand (right or left)
12.          Click enter network placement
13.          Then click Ok
14.          Now your friend is ready for registration process
15.          give them your link: user name.
16.          Sign Up now.